Wan Smolbag

Wan Smolbag Theatre (WSB) was started by a small group of actors in 1989. Artistic Director Peter Walker and writer Jo Dorras were interested in starting a community theatre group that would take plays about topical issues out to schools and communities. Their first short play was about washing hands to prevent diarrhoea and was funded by UNICEF through the Ministry of Health.


Port Vila





Year of Creation


Featured Project

Rainbow Disability Theatre
Rainbow Disability Theatre consists of actors with mostly physical disabilities and their carers who also act in the shows. Rainbow have come a long way since they started in 2009 as a collaboration between Vanuatu Society for disabled people (VSDP) and No Strings Attached, an Australian based theatre company and Wan Smolbag. Their first shows aimed to highlight the rights of people with a disability and special needs but now they do short plays about sanitation, domestic violence and cyclone preparedness. One of the main actors in Rainbow is Francis Ruru, who joined Wan Smolbag in 1994 to act in a play about disability. He then stayed in the group as he was a very talented actor. Francis sadly died in March 2020, but he will always be remembered for the role he had in creating the group and his acting. which made all the plays a joy to watch. In 2018 Rainbow were thrilled to be given a core funding agreement by World Vision Vanuatu which means they now all have salaries for the first time in their acting career.


Gibbons, L. (2020). Participatory edutainment in practice: A case study of Wan Smolbag, Vanuatu (Master’s thesis). Malmö University. [Link](https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1515492)

Mawdsley, A. (2021). Engaging with human rights through theater: A case study of the Vanuatu Rainbow Disability Theatre Group. Sista Library. [Link](https://www.sistalibrary.com.vu)

Wan Smolbag Theatre. (2017). Wan Smolbag’s polyphonic community theatre. Taylor & Francis Online. [Link](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13569783.2017.1360843)

Walker, P. (2020). Wan Smolbag, Vanuatu: Exploring community theatre for social change. Pacific Development Journal, 12(2), 110-124.

Dorras, J., & Walker, P. (2015). Wan Smolbag Theatre and its role in the reproductive health and environmental conservation of Vanuatu. World Development Journal, 25(4), 315-332.

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